Some personal thoughts as the CRUNCH time pressed Christmas holiday season confronts us yet again (seemingly without ample notice of its arrival despite all the TV, internet ads and Hallmark Specials).
This morning as I was looking forward to celebrating this Christmas with my family and a few close friends (and being off work for a few days), I was reminded of the angel’s announcement to Mary that her son was to be called Immanuel which means God with us. Then I reflected upon the last 12 months of my life and realized that this year has indeed been a year in which I’ve become much more aware of God having been with me and for me in the midst of some very difficult and trying experiences of years long-gone and that He continues to be with me and for me in the midst of daily life here and now. And for that I’m EXTREMELY thankful!
So, to each of you this Christmas season, whether you observe the day as a scared day or not, my prayer (or hope) is that you experience joy and peace that day (whatever your circumstances are) knowing that someone special is indeed with you.
Merry Christmas from Herb